October 27, 2008
by Joan Swirsky

As I speculated in a recent article , Obama had a dual purpose in leaving his campaign for Hawaii. And whaddaya know? His plane had barely touched down from his trip to Honolulu - ostensibly to visit his ailing granny - when the Republican governor of the Aloha State, Linda Lingle, placed his birth certificate under seal, directed the state's Department of Health to bar access of the document to the press, and declared that the only people eligible to obtain it were the person born or someone acting on his behalf, a relative, or a legal guardian.

So did Obama request the document, the better to resolve the question of his eligibility to be president? With less than a week to go before the election - and with attorney Philip J. Berg's lawsuit questioning that eligibility on the way to the Supreme Court - we still haven't seen Obama's birth certificate!

The peculiar events of the last week leave more questions than answers.

If Lingle sealed Obama's birth certificate, then there is indeed a record of his birth in Hawaii. But as The Obama Nation author Jerome Corsi writes, there is still no answer about "whether the original document...was a hospital-generated birth certificate or a registration of birth that may have been filed subsequent to the birth." In other words, we still don't know if Obama was born in Hawaii or on foreign soil.

Corsi says that in Honolulu's downtown library, he found a published notice in the Honolulu Advertiser: August 13, 1961..."Mr. and Mrs. Barack II Obama. 6085 Kalanianaole-Hwy, son, Aug. 4." But the notice "does not list the hospital where the Obama son was born or the doctor who delivered the baby." Further, Corsi was told by government authorities in Kenya that "all documents concerning Obama were under seal until after the U.S. presidential election on November 4."

We have to wonder what took place between Lingle and Obama, and/or one of his representatives, to compel her at this late date to seal a document that is the very prerequisite of eligibility to be President of the United States.

The Chicago Way?

Was Lingle on the receiving end of "gentle persuasion"? You know the kind, where a political operative "suggests" that damning information will be kept under wraps for, say, a little bit of "cooperation."

Did Jimmy Hoffa's name come up?

Or did the Obama camp simply appeal to Lingle's sense of "decorum" and "decency"? You know the kind, where the revelation of a deep-dark secret could "embarrass my family, so let's not go there."

Suffice it to say that whatever "way" Obama had with Lingle, it did the trick. Like an operative on his payroll, she walked the walk and talked the talk he wanted her to.

Full column at link